G3C Project Team
The project team is responsible for the development and execution of each case working with subject matter experts that are listed among our Advisory Group. This project has been led by Kathleen Calzone, PhD, RN, AGN-BC, FAAN and Jean Jenkins, PhD, RN, FAAN, working together to further nursing competency in genetics and genomics since 1995. They co-chaired the development of the Essentials of Genetic and Genomic Nursing (2006, 2009). These competencies were updated in 2023 by Drs. Calzone and Laurie Badzek, Dean, Penn State University School of Nursing. The competencies define the minimum genetic/genomic competency expected of every registered nurse regardless of their academic preparation, clinical role or specialty. The Global Genetics and Genomic Community was the outcome of a recommendation from the Essential Competency Strategic Planning Meeting.
Kathleen Calzone, PhD, RN, AGN-BC, FAAN, Director for this project, is a national leader in nursing genetics/genomics and a Research Geneticist and Head of the Genomic Healthcare Section in the Genetics Branch of the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Calzone has been certified as an Advanced Genetics Nurse by the American Nurses Credentialing Center. She is internationally known for her work in nursing genetics/genomics competencies and implementation science and is a co-founder of the Genetics/Genomics Nursing Alliance (G2NA).. Dr. Calzone has a sustained body of research in the translation of genetic/genomic technology into nursing practice and education.
Jean Jenkins, PhD, RN, FAAN is a retired Clinical Advisor at the National Human Genome Research Institute in the Genomic Healthcare Branch and prior to retirement was the Co-Director on this project. Dr Jenkins is nationally known for her experience using stories for the purposes of nursing education. Her book, Nursing Care in the Genomic Era: A Case Based Approach (2005) utilizes real stories as an educational strategy. She coordinated the development and consensus of the National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG) competencies and with Dr. Calzone the Essential Nursing Competencies and Curricula Guidelines for Genetics and Genomics (2006; 2009).
Donna Messersmith, PhD is a Health Policy Analyst/Provider Education Specialist in the Education and Community Involvement Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) at the National Institutes of Health. She coordinates the development of healthcare professional genomics education activities and resources for NHGRI. Dr. Messersmith has created, taught, and supported a broad range of biomedical educational resources and initiatives for the NIH and other institutions.
Yi Liu, MS, CGC is a Genetic Counselor at the Genetics Branch of the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Ms. Liu is the lead genetic counselor for the Clinical Somatic and Germline Genetic Test project at NCI. She provides genetic counseling services, performs genetic variant curation, and contributes expertise related to genetics to a variety of protocols at NCI. She is also a bilingual health provider in English and Chinese. She is an advocate for health equity and inclusion. Ms. Liu is devoted to providing education and mentoring of aspiring genetic counseling students, graduate students, health care professionals and patients. She contributes to many aspects of G3C, such as case identification, literature reviews, content development and question formulation.
d’Vinci Interactive, Inc. was responsible for the design and development of the latest version of the G3C website and interactive case studies. Since 1994, d’Vinci has developed top-quality web and eLearning applications for a national client base. d’Vinci has also provided its expertise for several other National Institutes of Health projects including: The Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms, The Genomic Careers website, The Genetics/Genomics Competency Center website (G2C2), The Protecting Human Research Participants (PHRP) Course, as well as other courses for the National Institutes of Health.
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